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Oops I Did Farted Again Cartoon

Hope's dog Torque is a French Bulldog. One of the most popular breeds in the world now. And one notorious for dog farts.

Any funny or cute meme about French Bulldogs will mention their gas issues. The French Bulldog groups Hope belongs to always have people talking about room-clearing flatulence from their dogs. The jokes go on and on.

Not normal

Here's the thing – it's not okay and no dog has to suffer from constant flatulence. Torque is Hope's third Frenchie and none of them have been gas passers. The most common offender in the house is actually Booker, Fran's Boston Terrier. And we know why – he's the boy with the most sensitive stomach in the house.

Think about it – when you have gas or bloating, how do you feel? Pretty rotten, right? It's painful and uncomfortable and you wish it would go away. You probably realize what's causing it and you can take something to help with the symptoms and alleviate the problem. But your dog can't tell you. He may not even know it's not the way he's supposed to feel, because he always feels that way.

Bears repeating

If your dog is a fart factory, she may not know what feeling good feels like. Isn't that sad?

Cartoon of a pug dog farting

If you're looking at things with a slightly different perspective now, the next question is what do you do about it? How can you change things so your dog will feel good? And you won't need high-speed fans to fumigate your space!

Causes of flatulence

According to the experts, there are a few causes of flatulence. Almost all of them are caused by food; either how it's absorbed, or components that fail to break down.

You already know some of them – foods that are known to cause gas: broccoli, beans, brussels sprouts, etc. should be avoided.

Others, like peas, soybeans, milk, and high-fat foods, are not easily digested by dogs and may ferment in their guts, producing gas and discomfort.

And some dogs, like some people, just are sensitive to certain foods. Our grandfather loved cucumbers (so do our dogs), but you didn't want to be anywhere near him if he ate any!

Changing your dog's food may go a long way to relieving everyone's discomfort. It's not an easy or fast process. Take a week or more to gradually change from one kibble to another to avoid further gastrointestinal upset.

Behavior changes

The other side of the coin is how your dog eats. If your dog is a gulper, she's taking in a lot of air along with her food. And what goes in, must come out.

Slowing down your dog's eating may be as simple as putting a ball or rock in the bowl so huge mouthfuls aren't possible. There are also all kinds of slow-feeding bowls out there. When you're shopping, be aware that plastic bowls can be a cause of canine acne, and stick to ceramic or stainless steel bowls for everyday use.

Some people swear by "snuffle mats" – usually fleecy mats with lots of fringes that allow you to scatter the food and the dog has to find it. This will work to slow them down, but we wonder if it reduces the amount of air going in their systems. We haven't tried them, so it's up to you if this is a good answer.

Our favorite means of slowing down our dogs is to hand-feed them. Not all the time, and not every meal, but we use their food as training treats and have fun with our dogs.

Other factors

Short-faced dogs seem to be more prone to gas attacks, and again, it's taking in a lot of air that seems to be the issue. So if you also have a Frenchie, Boston, Pug, or other brachycephalic breed, slowing down your dog's eating is a top priority for dealing with dog farts.

Flatulence also seems more common in obese, or sedentary dogs, according to the experts. The answer there is obvious – get moving with your dog! Measure out your dog's meal, transfer it to a plastic bag or pouch, and get out for a nice long picnic walk with your dog. Your nose will thank you for it!

Soothing their guts

One food additive we found particularly beneficial for Booker was Flax Seed Gel, which you can make at home. Pour ⅓ cup of boiled water over 1 tablespoon of flax seeds. Stir for one minute, let sit for five minutes. Stir again, strain into a covered container. Give about a teaspoon in each meal. Keeps, covered, for about a week in the fridge.  Actually, flax is so good for dogs that we think everybody should add it to their dogs' food. Can't hurt, may help!


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